I was trying to set up some things for our kid blog. This just might be the spot where the students and teachers can try out technology, share their experiences and post their successes and thoughts. I'm not sure yet for what I will use this blog. I started to think that it would be a great spot to post assignments like the collaborative writing website. I think that students will be excited about writing to their teacher and waiting for personal comments back. I write notes to students on their homework so they know that I am checking it thoroughly. This will provide one more avenue for reaching out to students. But I can see that it could be time consuming. I already spend way too much time on school. Unfortunately, since I teach first graders and I'm unsure of their computer skills and computer resources- I don't see what I can replace this with ....
This could be a great place to work on Journal Writing near the middle or end of the year. You could also host a traveling blog. (i.e. each child will have a blog to use as a toothbrush/love note to mom or dad. It could be a family project. In that way you are letting the parents respond and you don't have to as frequently. The whole community of your classroom including your parents are then involved in their writing. This could be a once a month thing and you can even get media involved so the parents who do not have internet can come in to respond to their child.